You may now post directly to this site by emailing your request to If you wish to post anonymously please be sure to remove any signature from your email.
Your prayers for those listed here is appreciated. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Upcoming Mission Trip

I have a prayer request that I need for you and for others to pray about!
I am raising money. I am going on a missionary trip to Alaska on May 19th.
I am raising money to send a case of bibles ahead of time and I am raising used christian cd's and cassettes to mail ahead of time.
I am going to be involved in street ministry as well as regular church services.
And for the airline tickets. You were right when you said that if I gave God my everything he would bless me and I am doing what he has called me to do.

Request for a young lady

Hello again,

This request came from John Sines, Jr.:

My lead guitar player Gary Peters has a daughter named Tonya who had a baby about 4 months ago.  Tonya has seizures and at this time, all I know is that she has broken her neck in two places and broken her arm, as well as had a serious head injury.  Please be in prayer for this family!  God IS good, ALL THE TIME!  He IS in control!  

In Christ!

John Sines, Jr.

Thanks again for your prayers,



Request for an expectant mother

Hello friends,

A friend of ours has a cousin named Anne who is sick. Here's part of her email to us:  

Anne is very sick. She has Type 1 diabetes, and she is pregnant (with twins!).  She's being doing so well, but this past weekend had to be put in the hospital.  I don't know a lot of details or exactly what is wrong, but whatever it is, it's affecting her liver and bleeding status.

There are a few more tests to run, but the may have to do a C-section.  The twins are 27 weeks old, and "they" say that babies have a chance at 26 weeks.

Thanks for your prayers for this family.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Back from Africa

Got this from Scott today.

Hello friends!

Just a quick note to say our team has safely returned from Africa and for the most part, all are well. Pray for them as they transition back to their daily routines, and that none of us will go back to "our old selves" but rather live with a fresh perspective of God's grace and provision.

Thanks for your prayers!

 Scott/E.W. Paulette

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Prayer Requests

Mom began her radiation treatments at UVA Thursday. She had one Thursday and another Friday. Other than being tired and sleeping a lot, she appears to have no ill effects. Please keep her and Dad in your prayers as they continue this process for the next 4-to-7 weeks.


Suzanne has been on her back for a week now. She went to the doctor last Friday (2/9) and got some antibiotics for an ear infection and some prescription cough syrup, but Monday had to be rushed back to the doctor with breathing difficulty. That's when we found out she had walking pneumonia. She's still pretty much on her back, but gets up occasionally. Doctor said for her not to over-do it or she could have a relapse. I've been pulling some double-duty as daddy and mommy this last week! She feels better this morning, so I'm sure I've got a battle on my hands getting her to relax. Please keep her in your prayers. Thanks to our neighbors, Carol and Charlie, for some great macaroni-and-cheese, and Glenn and Sherry (and family), who sent awesome spaghetti & meatballs Thursday night despite the death of Glenn's aunt. Please keep their family in your prayers as well.


 Also, please pray for my friend Melissa, who is having some health problems.


Thank you.

Gary L. Thomas

Prayer request for Godfrey

I received this from Scott, who is still in Uganda with a mission, this morning.
Please keep them all in your prayers. Thanks.

Hello all,
I'm sending to all of you hoping one will see it soon and post on Emmaus prayer chain and you can share with Calavry Chapel and anyone else as well. Godfrey's family was robbed at home Friday night. They are fine but their guard was hit in the head and is in hospital. They stole electronics mostly but the family was traumatized. I've not seen Godfrey yet today. Pray for all involved in the matter.
Thanks. The team is better and I think we're all feeling okay now. By the way Godfrey is president of Arise Africa, the group with work with here in Uganda. Sunday we fly to Nairobi and return to the states Wednesday afternoon. Thanks for your prayers. May the Lord be with you.
Scott/ Uganda

Gary L. Thomas

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Update on Dallas Tester and Scott Paulette

Hello Body of Christ,

Just a reminder that dad will have his esophagus removed on Wed. 2/14. Do not have the time yet so please lift him, the surgeon, the medical team, and his family up anytime! He is in good spirits and we are so thankful that we serve such a Great God. I know that He is already there preparing a path. Thanks for your prayers and concern. It has made a difference and will continue to.

Some of you know that Scott is in Uganda. He left on 2/5 and will return on 2/21. I spoke to him Saturday night and he was safe and is having a wonderful time of ministry. Please continue to pray for the team- for many opportunities to share God with the beautiful people of Uganda and for traveling mercies. I also know that it is hard for him to be so far away while dad is having surgery.

On that same note please lift up my baby sister Lana who is in South Dakota and very concerned and is so far away.

Thanks so much to you all.

With love in Christ ,

Tanya Paulette

Philippians 4:13

Monday, February 05, 2007

Prayer Request

Sent to me from my friend Rick.
Dear Friends,

I have an urgent prayer request that was forwarded to me from my cousin, Kim Smith.  It is for Brent Morgan, the son of Pastor Morgan of Calvary Baptist Church in Radford, VA.    Brent is serving in Iraq and is an air traffic controller. Last week an airplane went down killing 34 Turkish people. Brent was the air traffic controller for this plane. He has been fully exonerated by his superiors. All tapes have been watched and ruled he was totally innocent of the crash. Brent was suppose to leave Iraq on Saturday, January 20,   and be back home Tuesday.  Pastor and Phyllis Morgan just received an urgent phone call from Brent that he cannot leave Iraq. The Iraqi government has stepped in and he must go before an Iraqi board tomorrow. Although he is innocent, they are looking for someone to blame. Brent is very scared. Please forward this request to as many people as you can. Pray without ceasing for his full release from this board. We know the Lord can intervene and bring him home soon!

Thanks for your concern.

Gary L. Thomas

Africa Trip

I received this email from my good friend Scott this morning.
Please keep them in your prayers.

Hello friends,
Today I depart with a team for a mission to Uganda, East Africa under the leadership of Rick Sadler and Mission Link International in Charlottesville. Below is part of an email newsletter he sent out last night. You can do a search for Mission Link to access their website. I won't put in here because some email server don't like that sort of thing. Thanks for your prayers and may the Lord bless each of you as you walk with and serve Him. Free free to share this with others who might be inclined to pray.
E.W. Scott Paulette


On the day of our departure, I ask that you please pray for our 30 member team as we go and share the love of Christ in East Africa. The team will be constructing offices for Arise Africa International, developing the Mission Link International Christian Study Center, Medical Missions, Evangelism and a Feeding Clinic. May the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified and magnified in all we do!

The Uganda/Kenya Mission Team will be in East Africa February 5-21, 2007. Please pray daily for protection, fruitfulness and personal growth.

How shall they preach unless they are sent? (Rm 10:15) Below is the team roster....

Allen Birckhead; Rev. Jackie Carver; Glynda Carver; Clayton Carver; Joanna Carver; Dr. John Cramer; Wendell Drumheller; Dr. Glenna Dunn; Randy Fox Dennis Hansen; Melody Lain; Dr. Jim Masloff; Rev. Dennis Moore; Grace Moyer; Larry Mullins; Alan Newsom; Cindy Newsom; Charlie Pace; Tommy Pace; Susan Prather; Stephen Reynolds; Garry Rund; Zeke Ryan; Dr. Rick Sadler; Candy Sadler; Heather Vicks; E.W./Scott Paulette ; Malcolm Warfield; Jeanne Williams; Glassell Williamson


Gary L. Thomas