You may now post directly to this site by emailing your request to If you wish to post anonymously please be sure to remove any signature from your email.
Your prayers for those listed here is appreciated. Thank you.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Prayer Request

Please pray for the family of Dr. Dennis Stuart and his wife Irene. She has endured several years of surgeries, including stem cell surgery, and they have recently learned that the cancer is now in her bones. They have 5 children - 1 in college, the others still at home.

Dr. Stuart is the first cousin of my friend Desiree.

Thank you.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Pray for mission

Good morning.
I received this yesterday from my friend Scott. I asked him for information regarding donations to this cause. The name and address follows. Please keep these folks in your prayers.

Mission LINK International 1677 Avon Street Extd. Charlottesville VA 22902


Hello friends,

Some of you may know Rick Sadler, our friend who leads a ministry based in Charlottesville. I went to Uganda with him last February. I don't share everything with everyone but I felt to share this one. Pray if you will and give if you are so led.

Thanks for your time and prayers,


From: Rick Sadler
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 6:06 AM
To: Scott
Subject: Update from Mission LINK International

Friends of Mission Link:

Terrible Crisis! There is a terrible shortage of RICE and the price has gone off the chart. Our friend in the mid-west purchased their last load of rice at $38.95 per 100 pounds. That is double what we paid 15 months ago. We need to order between 20.000 & 30,000 pounds. Best Price is $34.00 plus shipping. We are in the process of packaging food for Tanzania to be shipped to our warehouse in Kigoma (West Tanzania). This shipment (upwards of 285,000 meals) will end up at the refugee camp near the Congo border.

We will need extra funds to purchase RICE.
Our storage building is almost out of room; pray that we will be able to find an alternative.
With the world food shortage, prayer that people will capture the vision of helping us feed hungry children.
Thank you for taking the time to read this brief update. God bless you so much.

Thank you for your listening ear and prayers.

In Him and for Him,

Dr. Rick Sadler, President
Mission LINK International

Prayers for 10-year-old girl

Received this morning from Scott.

Hello friends,

We received an email from Pastor Euticauls Wambua, whom I met last February in Nairobi, Kenya asking for prayer for a 10 year old girl named Leah. Pastor Wambua has taken her into his home because she is being sexually abused by her father and uncle. This apparently is not uncommon, especially in the slums of Nairobi where they all live. This is an ugly and possibly dangerous situation; the father has threatened violence. Leah has younger siblings who also need care. Everyone involved needs prayer, but especially Leah, and perhaps countless others like her we don't know about.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Prayer Request

Received this morning from my friend Scott.

Hello friends,

Below is an email from Godfrey, director of Arise Africa, the Uganda-based ministry Tanya and I have worked with on our short term missions. Please remember pastor Joseph, who is grieving a daughter and who is himself ill.


From Godfrey….

I regret to let you know that our staff Pastor Joshua Wako has lost his 5 year old daughter. She died of malaria fever. And Joshua himself has been diagnosed with TB. Malaria and TB has become a very big threat to us and our families.

Please pray for him, his family and for the staff of Arise Africa International and for the people in Uganda.

In Christ,

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Prayer Request for Kat's Father

Received this morning from my friend Scott:

Hello friends,
Yesterday I learned that the father of a lady who works with my company discovered unexpectedly that he has cancer in two areas of his body. He is to have surgery Friday to learn the extent of the threat, which sounds grave. I know nothing of his spiritual condition nor his name. My coworker's name is Kat. By the way, I was asked to pray for them by an unbelieving coworker; his name is Steve. Remember him also, if you will.
May God bless you today as you live this day for Him. Thanks for your prayers.
Scott Paulette

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Prayers Please

George and Rosetta Christopher, young newlyweds, have recently been told that Rosetta has a cancerous lump in one of her breasts and will undego surgery this Friday. Please pray that they will allow God's will to be done and be blessed. Thanks.

Please Pray for Jean

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Please pray for my friend Jean, her daughter, and their whole family. Jean's daughter's twin babies died last year after she went into labor early. She is now expecting one child and is having difficulties again.

I pray that our Lord is merciful and makes His presence known--they are not believers. Please pray for comfort as this family once again lives through tough times and also that they come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

In Him,