You may now post directly to this site by emailing your request to If you wish to post anonymously please be sure to remove any signature from your email.
Your prayers for those listed here is appreciated. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Prayer Request for Tony Snow

Earlier today, I sent out a prayer request for Tony Snow and his family. I thought the name rang a bell, but couldn't place him.
Of course, Tony Snow is President Bush's press secretary.
He had colon cancer 3 years ago, and the cancer has returned and now it has spread.
Please keep he and his family in your prayers.

Prayer Request

Received this morning from my aunt.
Please pray for Tony Snow and his family.
Situation unknown, but will make inquiry and update with respect to privacy.
Thanks for your prayers.

Gary L. Thomas

Friday, March 23, 2007

Praise report

Received this afternoon from Scott. Please keep their family in your prayers.
Hello friends,
Many of you may know that my wife's father, Dallas Tester, has been recovering from a succesful surgery in February, and that he suffered a serious setback March 5 that left him with minimal brain function. Just before 4pm today, he received the complete healing for which we have been praying. Thank you for your prayers, concern and support. Praise God for the grace and strength He has provided through this difficult time and for what He will supply as we adjust to life without Dallas.

Thanks again,

Gary L. Thomas

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Please keep Lisa Smith and her family in your prayers. She lost her sister due to an untimely death recently. Lisa works in our Blue Bell, Pennsylvania office.
Also, pray for our admin, Antoinette, who has been battling a bug.

Prayer Requests / Good News

Good morning, and some good news to share.
My uncle Larry learned late last week that the cancer in his prostate has not spread. He's undergoing some harmonal treatment now and will have a cryo procedure done in a couple months. Please keep him in your prayers.
Mom is feeling better and stronger. She will finish up her radiation on April 2nd. Please keep her and Dad in your prayers as they're traveling 4 hours round trip M-F for 2 more weeks.
Please pray for David who will x-rays of his back today, and for Sara who may need x-rays on her hand.

Update on Tanya's Dad-Sunday night

Received this from Scott and Tanya Monday. Please keep their family in your prayers. Thanks.

Sunday night 8:57pm
Hello friends,
The tests done over the weekend confirmed that Dallas' brain function is limited to brain stem activity. In accordance with his medical directive, he has been removed from all support and is currently receiving medication to maintain his comfort and allow him to rest. The Lord has provided time for his family to gather and share parting words with Dallas and offer comfort to each other. Please pray that the Lord will grant Dallas a gentle departure soon. He is ready to meet Jesus and his family is ready for him to enjoy the full fellowship of his Savior at last.
Thanks for your love and support,
Tanya & Scott/E.W.
(feel free to share this with others)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Please Pray

My dearest Prayer Warriors,

It is by the grace of God that I can even type right now. I just talked to my sister in Richmond. Two different Neurologists have been in to see my dad today. They are almost positive that dad's brain is not functioning. The fact that he can breathe and has moved a little is involuntary movement from the brainstem that must be functioning okay. They are going to run more tests tomorrow to get a definite diagnosis. If they are right, our family will be making some very difficult decisions.

I have not given up on complete healing for my dad-that is my will. However, I am totally trusting God-may His great will be.

I know how much God cares for us and that he wants the best for all of us. Please pray for wisdom, patience, discernment, and a spirit that allows us to give it all to God for our family. Please pray that the doctor's will do the right tests and be compassionate as they share the results with our family.

I love you all and have been and continue to be thankful that I can lift my dad up in this most precious way of prayer.  

Please know that before dad went in for surgery he said that he was ready for complete healing-here on earth or in heaven. What a great comfort to my family and me that statement is right now.   

May He be glorified in everything.

In Christ alone,

Tanya Paulette


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Update on Dallas Tester

Good Morning, 

Most of you know that my dad had quite a setback one week ago when he aspirated and stopped breathing. By the grace of God, the doctors and nurses acted very quickly to resuscitate dad and he was put back on the respirator and moved to ICU again.

Dad is off all sedation and pain medication and the doctors and family are now waiting for him to "wake up". We have been told that this could be a very slow process-but so far the doc's see no reason why dad should not come out of this-no sign of stroke or brain injury. The family is now taking turns to sit with dad, talk to him, and encourage him. I was in Richmond all weekend and dad did open his eyes some and moved his arms-he is yawning and swallowing-both reflexes-but movement so that is good.

We continue to trust God in His infinite wisdom to do the best for dad.  We feel like God has saved dads life twice in the last few weeks both curing cancer and reviving him ( and probably in many other ways!). However we are becoming increasingly concerned about his lack of progress. My sister is with him now and says that he has barely opened his eyes since Sunday afternoon. He is not responding much to stimuli.

When I called this morning I was told that a CT Scan had been done in the night but results are not available as of yet. This has concerned me because the doc did not see a need for a CT Scan last week and now he does.   

I guess that I am just asking you guys to continue to stand with us. It is your prayers, love, and concern that has kept dad and us going since before his surgery on Feb. 14 th. Of course I want my dad restored here on earth but God may completely heal my dad in heaven. Please pray that He will prepare our hearts for His plan in dad's life.   

God Bless you all,

Tanya Paulette


Monday, March 12, 2007

Prayer Requests

Please pray for my mother, who is having some challenges with the radiation treatments for a tumor on her spine. Prayers also for Dad and Baba & Larry and Ann & Preston, who are driving her to UVA each Mon - Fri. Mom has 3 weeks behind her now. She faces 1 to 4 more weeks.
Prayers please for my uncle Larry, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer last week. Doctors seem optimistic that they caught it early.
A fine young man that I coached on my son's basketball team last year, Patrick, has a tumor on his arm. He is 11 years old. Doctors say it appears benign. Please keep he and family in your prayers.
Please pray for Kenny, brother of a childhood friend of my friend Eddie. Kenny is having liver problems, and is in need of a transplant. Please keep him and his sister Susan (who has offered a piece of her own liver) in your prayers.
Keep Suzanne's mom, Rachel, in your prayers. She has been having problems with her knee and a replacement is in the works - now she's having trouble with her other knee.
Finally, prayers please for my friend Larry in Lynchburg, who will have a hip replacement on March 19th.
Thank you all for your prayers and the calls during Suzanne's recent bout with pneumonia. She is much better now.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Tanya's Dad-Update

Hello friends,

Tanya is in Richmond for the weekend and she told me tonight that her father's condition is still very serious. He is still on the ventilator, though he's been weaned off the sedating drugs. Hopefully it's taking time for those to clear his system as he has yet to respond to commands. They meet with the physician tomorrow to hopefully learn what happened Sunday night/Monday morning and whether he suffered a stroke or some other event that set him back. It may be that he's simply taking a long time to rebound; he wasn't really all that strong when we left him Sunday, though we were quite encouraged at that point that he might be turning a corner.  

As you can imagine, Tanya and her family are anxious and weary. Psalm 34:18 informs us that "The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit". May they, and all who are ill, grieving, worried and exhausted find strength and comfort for a very challenging time.  

Thanks for your prayers,

 E.W./Scott Paulette   

Feel free to share this with others as you are so led.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Update on Tanya's father

Hello friends,

Tanya and I were in Richmond this weekend and found her dad to be not as strong as we expected ( we had thought he might be coming home early this week). When we left yesterday, however, we were encouraged that he was showing enough improvement to begin physical rehab this week ( that's been delayed because of general weakness). His respiratory functions have not been strong enough to allow him to regain overall strength. This morning we learned that in the night he aspirated some vomit in the night and is back on the ventilator, sedated. He also has pneumonia. The physicians indicated that his recovery would be slow, "baby steps" was the phrase, but this pace has wearied Tanya and her family. More intercession may be needed on their behalf, perhaps, than on Dallas ( Tanya's dad); I'll trust the Lord to lead you how to pray.



 Feel free to pass this along as you are so led.

Update on request for a young lady

This came in the other day! Additional info on her injury and some good news! Amen!


  Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 4:02 PM

Here is some more info on the prayer request that I sent out yesterday .I ask that we be in agreement to pray for complete healing from the injuries and also from the siezures that Tonya has been suffering with.God bless .Pastor Danny 

Hey Danny!  I'm sorry, I was in a hurry when I wrote that!  Tonya had a seizure and fell down a flight of steps around midnight!  She broke 5 vertibrae and her wrist as well as a serious head injury.  The baby was sound asleep in bed and doing fine.

Sent: Fri, 2 Mar 2007 3:51 PM

Subject: Answered Prayer

Hello Everyone!

  Tonya Massie, the daughter of my guitar player Gary Peters, pulled through surgery yesterday very well.  The doctors had her up today "WALKING" (PRAISE GOD!!!!!) and said that if her arm was not still bothering her, she would have been able to go home tomorrow.  The arm is in pain due to a nerve in the vertibrate that is pinched, I think, so they want to watch this.  This is a huge answered prayer and God deserves ALL THE GLORY!!

Thanks for all your prayers!!  HE IS LORD!!!!! 

In Christ!

John Sines, Jr.